Use Candle with faith, say your intentions when you light candle, Meditate on your desires. You can also write your partition and place it under the candle.
Speak your intentions while using conjure oils, have faith. Place behind your ear, inner wrist, crease of your arm. Use with faith. Recommended to be clean when using product (fresh out the shower or bath is preferred).
Make sure to take bath in a clean bathroom, no dirty towels, no trash. Take shower before you use bath. Put bath into lukewarm water, meditate on your desires. If you don't have a tub, put mixture into a basin or simply pour it over you while standing. Speak your desires. Do not dry off.
Powders can be sprinkled or used to dress candles and petitions. Can also be used on dolls, photos, personal belongings, etc.
These can be added to baths, used to wear and or and assist while doing any type of spiritual work or practice.
Must be activated prior to use by pouring rum over your bag, let completely dry. Hold bag and say your intentions. Best to wear every day on you, but if not on you in your coat, wallet, or purse.
Use to set the energy before any rituals, as an offering for spirits, or for/during meditation.